So, I last wrote a post back on February 1st. I'd been working out with our new trainers (and good friends) for a couple of weeks and was so very excited! It's now mid-April, and we're still with them and still loving it so much! I'm making gains in strength and definitely seeing muscle definition I never had before. I'm losing pounds and inches and improving my health.
I bought a pair of pants in mid-January: size 24W. My tops and dresses were usually 22W. That's a 3X.
I tried on dresses yesterday, for fun and because my husband and I will be celebrating our 10-year anniversary next month and I'd love to have a pretty new frock to wear. ;) I started with size 20W. Too big. Size 18W. Too big. Size 16W...we have a winner! I'm wearing size 18W jeans right now, and my new workout shorts are XL.
I've dropped THREE FREAKING SIZES in 3 months. That's just unfathomable, especially since the weight loss doesn't seem to match up to that. I've lost 20 lbs. in those same 3 months, which should equate to the loss of one size, not 3. Hellllooooo, muscles! Goodbye, fat!
Life is very, very good.
I decided to hold of on buying a new dress. I don't need it until the 2nd weekend in May. Who knows what changes will be wrought in another whole month?! I'm hoping--HOPING--to be all the way out of fluffy-girl sizes by then and into the realm of regular sizes. I haven't seen those since elementary school.